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Video Series: Montford & Stumptown Stories

I’m real proud of Stumptown, I know it’s a long way from Stumptown but I can’t forget, that’s my roots. That’s my roots.

Sophie Ware Dixon

Stumptown really was a wonderful place to grow up. It was the best place to grow up.

Martha and Mary Brown

I still have it in my mind where everybody lived from here over to the end of Morrow Street because we were in this community all the time.

Bessie Brown Joyce

Stumptown was a magical place, a safe place, a place where you were just secure and everybody, everybody loved you.

David Jones, Jr.

I loved the fact that you knew everyone in your neighborhood, everyone stuck together… if you needed something, there was somebody to give it for you.

Jenny Pickens

A lot of good folk came out of Stumptown, we have a lot of good preachers, teachers, lawyers, doctors that came out of this area. And when they ask the question, “can anything good come out of Asheville?” we say, “yeah, Stumptown.”

William Ray

We can’t repair what the past has done, the damage, it’s too great. It is too great. But what we can do is try to preserve as much as we can.

Kimberly Collins