Redlining in Montford

Redlining in Montford

This NPR video, “Housing Segregation and Redlining in America: A Short History,” provides context for the segregation and redlining that occurred in Montford: Further Study There are countless resources available on this topic, for example, this brief article by...
Racial Covenants

Racial Covenants

“The home is the primary way Americans build wealth, but laws and systems have kept people of color- especially Black Americans- from accessing homeownership. Nationally and here in Asheville, white homeownership rates are significantly higher...


“Gentrification Explained” is a short video [by the Urban Displacement Project] that unpacks what gentrification really means, getting beyond the buzzword. The video addresses what led to gentrification, what gentrification looks like on the ground, and the impact of...
Racial Wealth Gap

Racial Wealth Gap

Here is a video examining how slavery, housing discrimination, and centuries of inequality have compounded to create a racial wealth...